Events at Marshall's Arm LNR
January 2017
Exercising outside is priceless, even at this time of year No organised event this month but January is a great month for walking or jogging off the excesses of Christmas. Many of us just want to stay inside and hibernate but just five minutes in the outdoor gym every day can lead to an immediate improvement in mood and self esteem as well as physical fitness. Walks are available at the post office and on Hartford Civic Society website. For a 6km walk try the “Two locks round walk” including Vale Royal lock , Hunts lock and the Reserve or why not create your own fitness circuit around the Reserve or check out: nationaltrust.org.uk/features/exercise-in-an-outdoor-gym. ![]() Sunday 23rd April 2.00-4.00pm
Plants to dye for!! Using plants in paints and potions Meet at Stones Manor Lane or Saxons Lane entrance to the Reserve Contact Pauline on 01606 783620 ![]() Wednesday 31st May 2.00-4.00pm (Half term event)
Pond Dipping and Record breakers Find exciting wildlife in the water. Who'll have the biggest mussel, smallest fish, fastest swimmer, slowest snail? Meet at Hartford Manor School turning circle Stones Manor Lane or Saxon’s Lane Entrance. Contact Georgia Winstanley 07979555687 or Anthony Powell 01606 853099 August
Pamper to your Pooch Look out for posters nearer the time for this dog related event. Friday 1st September 2016 7.30pm-9.00pm
Bat Walk Find what the bats are eating at the bat cafe and find where the bats hang out. Meet at the far end Stones Manor Lane, Hartford. Bring a torch. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For further details and possible other meeting points contact Tom Hunt 07581719126 Saturday 2nd September 2016 9.30 am -11.00am
Opening the Mammal Traps (Traps set Friday night) Discover the hidden mammals at Marshalls’ Arm. This is an early and prompt start to minimise the captivity time. Meet at the far end of Stones Manor Lane, Hartford. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For further details and possible other meeting points contact Tom Hunt 07581719126 Monday 25th September 2016 7.15pm
Otters, Ornithology and Others alks by Sara Blackburn and others, for Marshall's Arm, Hartford Village Hall. 7.15pm. ![]() Wednesday 1st November 1.00-3.00pm
ART ATTACK! Skeletons and Magic Carpets- be creative with natural materials. Meet at Heron Gates, Saxon's Lane (near the Marina) Or Stones Manor Lane entrance For further details Contact Georgia Winstanley 07979555687 MARSHALL’S ARMY VOLUNTEERS
If you would like to be involved with the Marshall’s Army volunteer group who help manage the Reserve. Contact Richard Haffenden 0160676058. We normally meet for 2or 3 hours at 10.00am at the bottom of Stones Manor Lane on the last Sunday of the month |
![]() Friday 10th February 7.00pm
Hartford Village Hall Life in the Freezer! An Antarctic Adventure. An illustrated talk by David Goodger about his recent experiences working in the Antarctic. Donations for the nature reserve. Contact: Richard Haffenden 0160676058 Saturday 11th March. 2.00pm-4.00pm
TREE- mendous Marshall’s Arm ! Become a tree expert in a morning! Enjoy a twig quiz, make a log book and a stick star to take home. Meet at Hartford Manor School turning circle Stones Manor Lane Contact Bev Goodger on 01606 882770 Monday 1st May 7.00-9.00am
Dawn Chorus An early start for early birds.A walk through through the Reserve led by Paul Kenyon of mid-Cheshire Ornithological Society . Bring binoculars if you have some. Meet at far end Stones Manor Lane Hartford. Contact Paul Kenyon 01606 77960 Saturday 17th June 2.00-4.00pm
Forest School Experience Dens, camp cooking, crafts stories and lots more. Contact Pauline on 01606 783620 Meet at Hartford Manor School turning circle Stones Manor Lane Children must be accompanied by an adult. ![]() Sunday 2nd July 2.00pm-4.00pm
Dragon’s Den Discover the Dragonflies and Damselflies that live in and around Marshall's Arm. Watch them on the wing and water, learn about their life-cycle and have a go at identifying them. Meet at Heron's Gate, Saxons Lane entrance to the Reserve. Contact: Janette Renshaw for more information and to confirm attendance. Contact Janette or Anthony 01606 853099 Sunday 10th September 10.00am-3.00pm
"Otterly Amazing" Training aimed at beginners, volunteers and members of the public who would like to learn how to identify signs of otters in the field. There will be a focus on urban otters and the use of camera traps to capture footage. The training will include information on how to carry out a basic survey and report any findings to Cheshire's RECORD centre. No previous experience is necessary but some experience of wildlife ecology and recording will enable you to get the most of the day. The morning will be spent in the classroom at the Weaver Hall Museum followed by a field trip in the afternoon within walking distance of the Museum. The field trip will include uneven ground and some work along the river, so suitable clothing and wellington boots or sturdy footwear is advised. This event is limited to 20 places. Free. Booking on Eventbrite Sunday 1st October 10-12.00am
Meet the Fungal Family Learn how to identify different fungi in this fungal treasure hunt through the woods. Chris Poole will be around to give tips on photographing any finds. For further details contact Pam Lamb 0160675520 or Tom Hunt Meet at Hartford Manor School turning circle Stones Manor Lane Sunday 26th November 10.00-12.00am
MARSHALL’S ARMY TASTER Get a taste of what the Volunteer group do, helping manage the woodland and natural habitats in the Reserve. Hot dog taster too!! Meet at far end of Stones Manor Lane Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Richard Haffenden 0160676058 For all events children must be accompanied by an adult. Events starting from Saxon’s lane are accessible by wheelchair. |